From: patty guerrero (
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2017 19:03:19 -0800 (PST)
HI,   we cannot meet tomorrow night.  Even though i had Joel Clemmer coming to 
talk,  an unexpected thing happened so i had to cancel Joel and the salon.   
The room where we meet at the Art Gallery cannot be accessed due to something 
Dave Thune has to do. I have tried a few places for tomorrow night but could’t 
find one.   It may not be available for a few weeks, even, so i am looking for 
another place to meet and will let people know.   

We still will be reading and discussing the book : "Strangers In Their Own 
Land, Anger And Mourning On The American Right" by Arlie Russell Hochschild.  
We will be having that book club the last Tuesday of March.  It is a great and 
important book.   Hopefully our space will be back .   

Thanks,   patty

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