Wed May 23 at Mac: Michael Albert talking about his new book
From: Fred H Olson (
Date: Sat, 12 May 2007 08:39:07 -0700 (PDT)
Event sponsored by: WAMM (Women Against Military Madness),
Mayday Books and Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace:

Michael Albert talking about his new book
"Remembering Tomorrow: From SDS to Life After Capitalism"
Wed, May 23 7 pm
Macalester College Student Union, John B. Davis Auditorium. Grand Avenue,
one block west of Snelling Avenue, St. Paul


One of the most significant visionary thinkers of our time on his new
book, Remembering Tomorrow: From SDS to Life After Capitalism: A memoir.
Wondering how to hang in for the long run? Learn what has worked
successfully in movement building, as well as what hasn't. Whether you are
an enthusiastic new organizer, a seasoned veteran or just interested, you
will want to hear Michael Albert speak about his experiences of the past
and visions for the future.

A writer and activist and the cofounder of Znet and Zmagazine, Alberts has
been a leader in the creation of alternative media. Schooled in economics,
he has developed "participatory economics," and has a vision to transform
global inequality. While chronicling the struggle to end the Vietnam War,
social change movements on Boston campuses, and the challenges of creating
new, alternative social models, Albert points the way forward for the next

More info 612-827-5364
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