Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer: Volunteers needed now
From: Charles Underwood (peacecalendarvisi.com)
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2008 20:50:39 -0800 (PST)
Help!  This is the crunch time for Minnesota, with 29 conventions scheduled
on March 8, then 20 on March 15, and many more throughout the month.  Jack
Nelson-Pallmeyer needs his supporters to step up now!
Jack¹s campaign is doing well.  We have been having great success in the
smaller County Unit conventions so far, picking up delegates left and right.
Jack has been regularly getting more delegates than Mike Ciresi and in
several conventions he has beat out Al Franken as well. If things continue
going this well, we have a good chance of getting the DFL endorsement for
Jack, and Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer will be our next U.S. Senator.
Here¹s the problem:  The big metro area conventions are starting and our
volunteers are spread thin.  We need more help. Lots more help.
Two needs are pressing:
First, we need lots of people to make phone calls to convention delegates,
following a simple script in order to identify our supporters.  No
persuasion is needed for these quick calls.  No detailed policy analysis.
Second, we need volunteers to staff the various conventions, putting up
signs for visibility, talking to delegates, taking notes about the
sub-caucuses. If you can give just an hour or two at the start of a
convention in the morning, it is a huge help.
Many of these are in the metro area on Saturdays, but some are in Greater
Minnesota and a few are on Sundays.  Volunteer for what you can.  This
Saturday, there are 29 conventions!  (You can see why we need more help,
especially in the next few days and weeks.)
If you can volunteer to phone, call the office at 612-216-4665 and let them
know when you are coming in.  Calls are made from Jack¹s office at 3027
Holmes Ave. in the Uptown area of Minneapolis, a block west of Hennepin and
a half-block south of Lake Street.  Shifts are Monday to Friday 6-9 pm,
Saturday 11-1 or 1-3 pm, and Sunday 1-3, 3-6, or 6-9 pm.
If you can go to one or more conventions, email Dave Moe at
dave [at] jackforsenate.org and let him know about your availability.
I will be over at the office most evenings.  It¹s fun.  I have been to eight
conventions so far, and I really enjoy them.  It¹s fun.  Do what you can,
please.  Jack doesn¹t have the Hollywood donations or the ability to donate
millions to his own campaign, so his campaign depends on you.
We need an immediate responsible withdrawal from Iraq. We need someone to
stand up against global warming.  We need someone to advance investment in a
renewable-energy economy.  We need someone to help us set our national
priorities straight.  We need Jack, and Jack needs you.  The time is now, so
please do what you can.
Peace, Charley Underwood

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