Conversational-Pax Salon
From: patty guerrero (
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2016 10:36:20 -0700 (PDT)
HI,  This Tuesday, Oct 4,  will be Open Conversation.   I know that the VP 
Debate is on at 8 so if you want to leave early that will be fine.   I, myself, 
would like to go over some of the issues raised by our guest last week, Nancy 
Dolye Brown, about GMO’s in our food.  She send a lovely thank you to my thank 
you that included a couple of thanks from you.
Here it is:  ( i felt it very touching )

Patty, I appreciate you passing these notes along. I really enjoyed visiting 
with the group, and I felt we were definitely kindred spirits! Which is so 
important in this work and in this world. So thank you for the opportunity and 
for your dedication to creating a space for these issues over many years.

Many thanks!


Please come.  

Thanks,  patty

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