Pax-Salon (AMerican Faust:From Condi to Neo-Con
From: Patty Guerrero (
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:59:31 -0700 (PDT)
HI,  This next Tuesday, April 15, we will view the documentary film by 
Sebastian Doggert “American Faust:From Condi to Neo-Condi”
We showed this film a couple years ago, but now that Condoleezza Rice has been 
invited by the Carlson School of Management at the Humphrey School and the 
University of Minnesota, it is time to show the film again.   Ms. Rice give the 
Distinguished Carlson Lecture w/the title , “Keeping Faith With a Legacy of 
Justice.”   She is also being paid $150,000.  It is the 3rd time in as many 
years that she has been invited to Minnesota, and probably gets that much each 
time she comes.   

This is a film that shows how Ms Rice was complicate in the war in Iraq and in 

Hope to see you.  


If I had a hamer, i'd hammer out danger, i'd hammer out justice
pete seeger

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