Pax-Conversational Salon (March agaenda)
From: Patty Guerrero (
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 09:48:07 -0800 (PST)
HI,   I wanted to tell you all that March is going to be a month of Tuesdays 
regarding the Dakota-US War.   I can get back to you re. the topics, but want 
you to know that Spirit Car---Journey To A Dakota Past,   by Diane Wilson is 
going to be the Little Book of the Odd Month Club selection.  Diane is part 
Dakota and part Swedish.   It is part memoir and carefully researched fiction.  
The book was choses as the Book of the Year in Mpls.  Diane will be with us 
when we discuss the book March 26.   Please spread the word .   


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