Progressive Calendar 12.13.04
From: David Shove (
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 07:47:04 -0600 (CST)
            P R O G R E S S I V E   C A L E N D A R    12.13.04

--------7 of 14-------

From: patty guerrero <pattypax [at]>
Subject: McDonald sisters film 12.14 6:30pm

This Tuesday Dec 14, will be a treat for all at the Conversational Salon.
We will show the documentary by Media Mike Hazard, Four Sisters for Peace
about the McDonald Sisters and their commitment to peace.  The Simrero
Brothers, Chad Guerrero and Noah Simcox will provide music for the
evening.  'Tis a festive evening planned.  (the McDonald's will be there,
at least some of them) Mad Hatter's Tea House, 943 W 7th St Paul.  6:30 to
8:30.  Tea, cake will be served.  And now there is even a coffee house
right through a door.  Donations for evening requested and accepted.
Call 651-227-3228 for information.

  • (no other messages in thread)

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